The garden roses descends from the wild roses. This kind of roses (for a dreamy rose garden), were very classical regarding colors, meaning that they were only white, pink, red and yellow.
The time and people have tamed wild roses and from 1867, when hybrid tea roses was created, new colors were available, like orange, peach, purple and even black ones.
On you can find classical and hybrid colored roses, you just need to choose the ones you prefer to plant in your house garden. If you want to choose by color, then you have to know a few things. That’s why I decided to write this article with tips that can help you in your gardening choices.
How to choose the color of your rose garden?
First of all you need to start with the color of your house, fence and other accessories you have in the yard, like turrets and cradles. You live in a town or a village, so you need to keep in mind as well the colors that are predominant in the neighborhood.
For example, if you have mostly flowers that are pink or blue in your garden, when you choose this rose garden, you should go for pink ones, like a “Double pink knock out”, a gorgeous rose that has grouped flowers and is flowering throughout the season. It has a high resistance to pests and disease and requires a low care being one of the most sold roses in our country, Romania.
If you live in a blue house, then in your garden should be yellow roses, of course as a nice complementary touch. I would recommend you “Sun Hit”. It is a beautiful mini – rose from Denmark created in 1996. It blooms throughout the season in flushes.
Some gardener experts advise on using only one color when choosing the roses for the yard. If you look at the gardens from the castles around the world, you will see that most of them are monochromatic.
Also there are gardeners that choose to use more shades of the same color when they create the rose garden they have in mind.
What is the color of your dreamy rose garden?
This article is a guest-post (Simona Mihalache, MomenteDeViata)
Trandafirii rosii sunt superbi, alegerea reusita pentru un aspect impecabil.
trandafiri sa fie, nu conteaza culoarea la mine. Imi plac toti, im special cei care au cupa mare si cei cataratori. Din pacate nu prea e spatiu pentru cate flori as vrea eu sa pun in gradinita.